Bioeconomy Science Center
Research and cooperation for a sustainable bioeconomy
Bioeconomy Science Center
Research and cooperation for a sustainable bioeconomy

PhD Training Day „Discussing (in) Science”

The workshop „Discussing (in) Science – Basics of Interdisciplinary Communication and Collaboration” addressed doctoral researchers who particularly wanted to improve their communication skills in interdisciplinary discussions, meetings and debates, as well as their individual presentation style. All together 8 PhD students of the BioSC attended the 3rd PhD Training Day in Cologne.

The workshop on 29th November 2017 strongly focused on dynamic communication situations and the skills necessary in these situations. An additional aim was to strengthen the awareness of the PhDs for specific challenges in interdisciplinary communication contexts. The participants had the opportunity to reflect and refine their individual presentation style and to test the theoretical skills during a series of discussion and presentation exercises.

The workshop was rated by the participating doctoral students as very helpful for the further development of their presentation and communication skills, especially in a cross-disciplinary working environment such as the bioeconomy.