Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner | University of Bonn | ILR - Economics of Sustainable Land Use and Bioeconomy


Research topics and profile (related to bioeconomy)

Our research and teaching profile concentrates on the assessment and evaluation of land-based environmental policy instruments and natural resource governance approaches in developing and industrialized countries. We use empirical and spatial modelling tools as well as qualitative methods to inform decision makers on how policies and governance mechanisms can be designed to address multiple sustainability goals under heterogeneous context conditions. Past and ongoing research projects focus on tropical forest governance and bio-based economic transformation.


Contributions to BioSC

The Chair contributes to the research area “Economy and social implications of the bioeconomy” through quantitative impact evaluations and assessments. This includes:

  • The development of indicators and evaluation methods to measure the sustainability outcomes of bioeconomic transformation processes
  • The co-development of modelling tools to support the design of policy and governance measures for the bioeconomy


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