Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Prof. Uwe Conrath | RWTH Aachen | Plant Physiology

Research topics and profile (related to bioeconomy)

Because of the increasing world population, there is an ever-growing need for securing food, feed, and energy production using (optimized) plants. Plant yield can be increased by, for example, protecting plants from biotic and abiotic stress (pests, diseases, drought, etc.). To do so, a thorough understanding is needed of how biotic and abiotic stress affects plants and how these cope with the appropriate stress. This knowledge will help us provide, on a mid- to long-term basis, food, feed, and bioenergy plants for efficient future agriculture.

Contributions to BioSC

We provide in-depth expertise in molecular phytopathology and plant stress physiology to successfully address bioeconomy challenges in the future. Our studies will contribute to the research focus “Sustainable plant bioproduction and resource protection” by exploiting and optimizing the plant’s endogenous capacity to ward off biotic and abiotic stresses. By doing so, we will contribute to securing yield of food, feed, and energy plants in harmful conditions.

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