Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Prof. Joost van Dongen | RWTH Aachen | Molecular Ecology of the Rhizophere

Research topics and profile (related to bioeconomy)

Our research group investigates biochemical and molecular mechanisms of stress tolerance in plant as part of the response of plants to adapt to the ever changing environment. Our results are used to build models to better understand plant performance and yield production. Our first research topic involves the responses of plants to low-oxygen stress. Due to heavy rain or even flooding events, the oxygen availability to roots can become very low, which has a dramatic effect on energy metabolism and growth of the plant. The second research topic investigates the interaction between growth promoting rhizobacteria and plants, and the mechanisms that lead to improved growth and accelerated development of plants in the presence of these bacteria.

Contributions to BioSC

  • crop performance and yield optimisation under stress conditions
  • regulation of primary energy metabolism and storage metabolism
  • regulation of plant growth and development

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