Bioeconomy Science Center
Research and cooperation for a sustainable bioeconomy
Bioeconomy Science Center
Research and cooperation for a sustainable bioeconomy

BioSC guest scientist: Prof. Gregory LeFevre, Iowa University

From June 26 to July 9, Prof. Gregory LeFevre, University of Iowa, stays in the Core Group of Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg, RWTH Aachen. Main topics of his research are biotransformations in relation to the impact and fate of various contaminants in the environment.

Gregory LeFevre is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Iowa and at the same time faculty member of the Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing. His expertise is in the areas of biotransformations, the fate of contaminants in the environment as well as in phytoremediation. Furthermore, he focuses his research on elucidating novel products, .g.via mass spectrometry, and novel pathways.

The state of Iowa is a state with intense agricultural production and therefore faces many challenges associated with environmental and water quality degradation, as well as human health exposure. Prof. LeFevre works on the fate of chemical compounds like pesticides or herbicides especially in water. Two research fields directly related to pesticide application are the restoration of agricultural systems already affected by pesticides and herbicides and the development of detection and protection measures for existing and emerging contaminants of freshwater sources (i.e., herbicides or microplastics).

Understanding the fate chemicals in general as well as being capable of assessing their impact in the environment are keystones of a sustainable bioeconomy, i.e., for the preservation of water and agricultural resources.

During his stay, Prof. LeFevre has appointments with various BioSC Core Groups in order to explore cooperations between the University of Iowa and the BioSC.

The BioSC Office points out that a guest scientist`s stay can be applied for at any time. The proposal template comprises only two pages and is available in the BioSC intranet. In case of interest please do not hesitate to contact the office (