Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy
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Sustainable bioeconomy!?

What is it? And how can research and education contribute to the transformation to a bio-based economy?

The Bioeconomy Science Center explanatory film provides a first insight into bioeconomy. It describes how interdisciplinary and integrative research cooperation on a regional scale can be organized and what is required to develop solution approaches for the challenges of the 21st century.

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Food security
Climate protection
Resource management
Energy supply

Integrative bioeconomy  |  Finding solutions for societal challenges

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Challenge Food security

How can we succeed in supplying a growing world population with high quality foods?

Unfavorable and complex constraints such as limitation of agricultural areas, competing uses of renewable resources – energetically or materially – and changing consumption habits call for new cross-disciplinary approaches from the field of sustainable bioeconomy. 


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Challenge Climate protection

How can the impacts of human activity on the earth’s climate be minimized?

The sustainable production of energy and renewable resources through resource-efficient processes and the development of a closed-cycle economy is an important aspect of adapting to climate change. Already today, the concept of a sustainable bioeconomy offers many solutions for improving climate protection.


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Challenge Resource management

How can we meet requirements for resources and energy production that are both secure and economical?

This can only be achieved through sustainable management of our natural resources, including air, water, climate and ecosystems. A sustainable bioeconomy can provide a number of promising solutions in this area.


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Challenge Energy supply

How can renewable fuels for mobile applications and bioenergy be made available sustainably and for the long term?

Its storage capability is what makes bioenergy such an important part of the future energy mix. It is an indispensable component that can compete with energy sources such as wind and solar energy that are not always available. The sustainable bioeconomy offers solutions for developing integrated production processes for sustainable production.


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Current news


Multiple awards: Start-up re.solution is based on technology development in the BioSC

The start-up company re.solution from Aachen, founded in 2023, was awarded several start-up prizes in the first half of 2024. The technology that re.solution uses for the environmentally friendly recycling of textiles was developed as part of BioSC projects and was further developed in BioökonomieREVIER innovation labs and other projects before it was founded.

Photo: Achema


Great interest in the BioSC booth at the Bonn Science Festival 2024

On July 7, 2024, the BioSC enjoyed a large number of visitors at the Bonn Science Festival on the Hofgartenwiese in Bonn. The BioSC CoreGroups of Prof. Hartmann and Prof. Grundler of the University of Bonn provided insights into current BioSC projects. A variety of hands-on and participatory activities for the whole family made bioeconomy and science tangible.


Closing of the lecture series “Circular Economy”: Innovation Challenge on October 7

For the third time in a row, the public lecture series “Meet the Circular Economy” took place at RWTH Aachen University in the summer semester 2024, led by Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus and supported by the BioSC. For the first time this year, an Innovation Challenge on the lecture topics will follow, which will take place at RWTH on October 7. Please save the date!


Poster prize at the RBB Conference for Paul Richter on the BioSC project "NextVegOil"

The poster deals with the comparison of online and offline biomass measurement of an oil-producing Ustilago maydis strain.


You can find an overview of all news articles here.


BioSC Spotlight
"Alternative Proteins made from Plants"

3 September | Aachen

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9th NRW PhD Day "Future Bioeconomy"

10 October, 2024 | Neuss

More Information


Dürr, J, Sili, M, Mac Clay, P and Sellare, J (2024). Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina. Business Strategy and the Environment n/a(n/a).   Transform2Bio

Gauthier, C, Lavoie, S, Kubicki, S, Piochon, M, Cloutier, M, Dagenais-Roy, M, Groleau, M-C, Pichette, A, Thies, S and Déziel, E (2024). Structural characterization of a nonionic rhamnolipid from Burkholderia lata. Carbohydrate Research 535: 108991.   DesignR/SurfIn/ResPuTra

Langletz, T, Grande, PM, Viell, J, Wolters, D, Tonn, J, Klose, H, Schriever, SG, Hoffmann, A, Jupke, A, Gries, T and Herres-Pawlis, S (2024). Toward a Greener Bioeconomy: Synthesis and Characterization of Lignin–Polylactide Copolymers. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 5(2): 2300187.   LignoTex

Siekmann, F and Venghaus, S (2024). Regional transformation pathways for the bioeconomy: A novel monitoring approach for complex transitions. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28(3): 603-616.   Transform2Bio

Tiso, T, Welsing, G, Lipphardt, A, Sauer, DF, Chi, Z, Blank, LM and Hayen, H (2024)Proposal for a systematic naming convention for liamocins. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents n/a(n/a).   SurfIn


--> More BioSC publications


Beiträge zu nachhaltigen und widerstandsfähigen Agrarsystemen (BMBF)
Deadline for project outlines: September 5, 2024
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Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (Horizon Europe)
Deadline: September 18, 2024
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Generation (B)ioeconomy

Research plus mentoring in BioSC - Funded by the Marga and Walter Boll Foundation

More Information


Click here for information on job vacancies.



next event: 13.08.2024
FH Aachen, Campus Jülich
13.08.2024 - 29.08.2024

Summer School Renewable Energy - Startup Edition (in German)

Nairobi, Kenia
23.10.2024 - 24.10.2024

Global Bioeconomy Summit
