Horizon Europe: Cluster 6, Missions and the New European Bauhaus - Your funding opportunities 2025
For more information, see the following link.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory. Please register here.
moreBiotech made in Europe – ready to create impact!
moreThe German FLEX project office is inviting you to its second user workshop. The aim of the workshop is to connect SIF experts and future SIF data users to generate synergies and unlock new ways of using FLEX data.
moreTHE BIO-REVOLUTION: Die Verschmelzung von Bio und Tech verändert unsere Zukunft
In this workshop, the BioökonomieREVIER coordination centre will immerse you in the world of the bioeconomy. Discover the possibilities that were barely imaginable just a short time ago through the combination of modern technologies such as biotechnology, robotics and artificial intelligence. What do these future trends mean for the economy and work of tomorrow?
In the first part of the event, you will get to know innovative research and innovation concepts that illustrate technology convergence in the bioeconomy in a practical way. The second part will focus on the needs arising from the increasing technology convergence for education at universities and vocational training.
We want to connect young people with each other and with stakeholders and discuss their perspectives on the transformation of industry and education.
The AmineBiocat conference series is dedicated to the fascinating world of amine catalysis, highlighting enzymes that drive selective and sustainable transformations crucial for producing fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and bioactive compounds.
moreMore information following soon.
moreThe overall theme of this Turku edition is "Moving Beyond Carbon Neutral".
The conference will provide a forum for leading political, corporate, academic and financial people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations.
The three day international conference will consist of plenary lectures, Town Halls, oral presentations, poster sessions and an exhibition.
moreThe 9th BioSC Symposium will take place on 24/25 November 2025. Further information will be announced as soon as possible.