Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

BioSC White Paper

A White Paper comprises innovative, interdisciplinary approaches and concepts with high scientific or strategic potential that have great relevance for the development of a sustainable and integrated bioeconomy.

The project period of a WHITE PAPER is max. 6 months with a total budget of max. 25,000 €.

Acronym Year Title Author Leading Core Group(s)
Bio2oundry  2020 Accelerating technology transfer in the BioSC region by design of a biofoundry concept Dr. Natalie Laibach  Dr. Natalie Laibach & Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, Chair for Technology and Innovation Management, Institute for Food Resource Economics, Universy of Bonn
Bio-Π 2020 Adaptive Concepts for a Circular Bioeconomy for Bioplastics

Prof. Dr. Herres-Pawlis

Prof. Dr. Hartmann

Prof. Dr. Herres-Pawlis, Chair of Bioinorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University

Prof. Dr. Hartmann, Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

PlastiCycle 2019 Closing cycles in the Plastics Bioeconomy Maike Otto

Prof. Dr. Nick Wierckx, IBG-1: Biotechnology, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Prof. Dr. Lars M. Blank, Institute of Applied Microbiology iAMB, RWTH Aachen University

RegAff 2019 Regulatory Affairs for plant protection products, biorationals, biobased products and techniques

Dr. Thorsten Kraska

Dr. Thorsten Kraska & Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude, Renewable Resources, University of Bonn

SCC GmbH, Bad Kreuznach

SynComBio 2016 Synthetic microbial communities for future applications in bioeconomy

Andreas Domröse


Prof. Dr. Karl-Erich Jaeger | University Düsseldorf  | Institute of Molecular Enzyme Technology

Jun. Prof. Dr. Oliver Ebenhöh | University Düsseldorf | Instiute for Qualitative and Theoretical Biology

S2B-BioEcon 2015 Assessing Science to Business (S2B) Technology Transfer in the emergingy Bioeconom Laura Borge del Rey

Prof. Stefanie Bröring | Universität Bonn | Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement im Agribusiness

BioSCEdu 2015 Bioeconomy Educational Programmes Dr. Jennifer Pahlke Prof. Jörg Pietruszka | Universität Düsseldorf | IBOC - Institut für Bioorganische Chemie
BioEco-Quant 2014 Data collection on bioeconomy Laura Borge del Rey

Prof. Ulrich Schurr | FZ Jülich | IBG-2: Pflanzenwissenschaften

MisCas 2014 Cascade Utilization of Miscanthus to increase resource efficiency

Felix Winzer

Carl-Philipp Witzel

Prof. Dr. Ralf Pude | Renewable Resources | Institute of Crop Sciences and Resource Conservation | University Bonn

Prof. Dr. Robert Finger | Production Economics | Institute for Food and Resource Economics | University Bonn

Eff_Pho 2013 Efficient and integrated use and recycling of phosphorus Dr. Nina Siebers Prof. Wulf Amelung | Universität Bonn | INRES - Bodenwissenschaften
RegioBio 2013 Regionalization of the bioeconomy Dr. Hannah Jaenicke Prof. Ulrich Schurr | FZ Jülich | IBG-2: Pflanzenwissenschaften
VertFarm 2013 Vertical Farming - Ein aussichtsreicher Forschungsgegenstand für die Bioökonomie? Dr. Lucie Adenäuer Prof. Ernst Berg | Universität Bonn | ILR - Produktions- und Umweltökonomie
WaRaTemp 2013 Washing at room temperature Dr. Ljubica Vojcic Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg | RWTH Aachen | ABBt - Biotechnologie