Two-stage fractionation processes are seen as a promising approach for the extraction of high purity cellulose from non-wood biomass and allow for the recovery of hemicellulose and lignin side streams. Due to this high valorization potential, two step fractionations promise to play an important role in the development of sustainable biorefinery concepts. Nevertheless, currently no general systematic approach for the development of two-step fractionations is available, that considers not only the biomass composition but also the required quality of the obtained cellulose fibres. IN-FIBRE will address this gap and aims to develop a novel two-stage fractionation approach, targeting high-quality cellulose fibres from non-wood biomass while also considering their use in application studies. To achieve this goal, experimental investigations are performed and a suitable two-step fractionation process is developed. Missing knowledge regarding fibre characterization as well as contacts to partners for application studies are provided by the mentor. Thus, all key expertises required for the sucessful development of the two-step fractionation will be considered in IN-FIBRE, leading the way to future sustainable biorefinery concepts.
The mentor will share his industry-specific knowledge related to cellulose fibres and their applications, which will lead to a more target-oriented development of the two-step fractionation approach. With his working experience, he will also support the personal development of the young scientist and prevent possible pitfalls. Further, the introduction of the mentee into an existing network of scientific and industrial partners will strengthen his position in the community, foster interdisciplinary work, and will allow him to close the gap between fundamental research and industrial application.
Young scientist and project coordinator
Moritz Doeker
IBG-2: Plant Science
Forschungszentrum Jülich
email: m.doeker[at]
Axel Wizemann, Dipl.-Holzwirt
Wizemann Beratung
email: a.wizemann[at]
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026