Two research teams led by Dr. Till Tiso (Institute of Applied Microbiology, RWTH Aachen University, and member of the BioSC) have successfully acquired research projects to continue work from the BioSC projects SurfIn, Bio² and NovoSurf, among others.
The Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SPRIND) has decided to fund the research project "Quantum Leap" as part of the "Circular Biomanufacturing" challenge. The team of Dr. Till Tiso and the former BioSC member Dr. Lars Regestein (Leibniz-HKI) will receive 1.5 million euros from SPRIND in the first twelve months and will also receive advise and support for further networking with experts. After one and two years, a decision will be made as to which of the eight initially selected research teams will receive further funding.
The team applied with its convincing concept of "Quantum Leap". Residual materials from the paper recycling industry, residues from bioethanol production, brewery waste and molasses are to be utilised. These can be consumed by a yeast-like fungus, which produces chemicals that can then be used for the production of biopolymers, surfactants and lubricants. The biopolymers are then to be further converted into materials for 3D printing, thus creating a value-increasing circular economy.
Dr. Till Tiso has successfully submitted another follow-up project to the innovation competition "GreenEconomy.IN.NRW", this time together with BioSC member Dr. Sylvia Schleker (Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, and HGoTECH GmbH). The team was one of 26 teams from 96 applicants invited to submit an application.
"LiRham" is aimed at the microbial production of products from the liamocine and rhamnolipid group of substances. They are effective adjuvants for foliar fertilisers and replace substances that are difficult to degrade, such as EDTA and synthetic surfactants, while maintaining the same level of effectiveness. Accumulation in ecosystems and risks due to carcinogenicity are avoided. The project aims to determine the best combinations of both groups of active substances on crops and to optimise the production of rhamnolipids and liamocins from residual materials such as lignocellulose, paper or PET.
"GreenEconomy.IN.NRW" is being implemented as part of the EFRE/JTF programme NRW 2021-2027 under the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment, Nature and Transport (MUNV) in cooperation with the Ministries of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy (MWIKE) and Culture and Science (MKW) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.