Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

3rd NRW PhD Day "Future bioeconomy"

October 31, 2018 | Lindner Congress Hotel | Düsseldorf


The third NRW-wide Doctoral Students Day, this time on the subject “Future Bioeconomy” with around 70 participants at the Lindner Congress Hotel Düsseldorf, was again a great success. The main focus was perception and representation of the bioeconomy in industry. Following keynote speeches in the morning, there was opportunity for direct and intensive exchange between representatives of bioeconomy-oriented companies and doctoral students within small groups in the afternoon.

Photo: Forschungszentrum Jülich

In the morning, invited speakers presented their definition of and perspectives on the bioeconomy in their own company. After a welcoming address by Minister Dr. Christiane Fricke, the first session was presented by Dr. Frank Roeber (Corteva Agrisciences/DowDuPont) and Dr. Grégoire Hummel (PhenoSpex) on the topic “Value added chains in agriculture (e.g. in breeding, cultivation and phenotyping)”. Different aspects such as breeding and provision of sufficient biomass, as well as monitoring and optimization of the cultivation of plants were addressed. In the second session with the subject “Molecules and active compounds: Biotechnological production and use”, Dr. Peter Welters (Phytowelt), Daniel Grünes (Aquila Biolabs) and David Schönauer (SeSaM Biotech) introduced their companies and covered topics ranging from the isolation of value-adding components from biomass to the optimal cultivation of single-celled organisms and production of tailor-made enzymes. The companies introduced ranged from start-ups to small- and medium-sized companies up to large group consortiums. The keynote speeches then served as the starting point for round table discussions in small groups in the afternoon. The speakers of the morning were complemented by discussion partners Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr (BioSC) and Dr. Günter Strittmatter (IBR consulting). In such company, doctoral students had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and their projects and then enter into an intensive round of questions with the respective speakers. Both speakers and students felt this part of the day was especially effective and inspiring, since very different contributions were offered in the direct discussion round and by the different perspectives from participants from various disciplines of the bioeconomy.



08:45 Registration
09:30 Welcome and introduction
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr, IBG-2 Pflanzenwissenschaften, Forschungszentrum Jülich/ BioSC
09:40 Opening remarks MRin Dr. Christiane Fricke, Ministry of Culture and Science NRW, Department Science

Session I: Value added chains in agriculture (e.g. in breeding, cultivation and phenotyping)

09:50 Industry talk 1 Dr. Frank Röber, Corteva Agrisciences/DowDuPont
10:20 Industry talk 2 Dr. Grégoire Hummel, Phenospex
10:50 Coffee break

Session II: Molecules and active compounds: Biotechnological production and use

11:10 Industry talk 3 Dr. Peter Welters, Phytowelt
11:40 Industry talk 4
Daniel Grünes, Aquila Biolabs
12:10 Industry talk 5
Dr. David Schönauer, SeSaM Biotech
12:40 Lunch break

Session III: „Meet Bioeconomy Industry“: Bioeconomy World-Café

Discussion partners for all World-Café sessions are the morning speakers, Dr. Günter Strittmatter (IBR consulting) and Prof. Ulrich Schurr (BioSC/IBG2). Coffee and some snacks will be available between the sessions.

13:50 Introduction Prof. Dr. Ingar Janzik, IBG-2 Pflanzenwissenschaften, Forschungszentrum Jülich/ BioSC
14:00 World-Café Session 1
14:45 World-Café Session 2
15:30 World-Café Session 3
16:15 Closing remarks Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr, IBG-2 Pflanzenwissenschaften, Forschungszentrum Jülich/ BioSC