Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

INRES - Chemical Signalling | Universität Bonn


Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer

Core Group Homepage

Research topics and profile (related to bioeconomy)

Physiological and morphological plasticity is a fundamental feature that allows plants to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. Understanding the underlying signalling mechanisms that enable appropriate responses to ensure survival is fundamental for further improvement of crops to sustain and increase crop yield even under sub-optimal conditions. In particular our work focusses on the following aspects: (i) biosynthesis and compartimentation of glutathione; (ii) redox homeostasis and redox signalling; (iii) bioenergetics of plant mitochondria.


Contributions to BioSC

Dynamic signalling processes and regulatory mechanisms are integral elements of stress perception and a prerequisite for the development of effective survival strategies in plants. Microscopic recording of these dynamic processes in intact cells provides the basis for early detection of stress conditions. In combination with molecular and physiological analyses dynamic in vivo analyses furthermore provide the basis for modelling of the respective signal processes.