Forschen • Ausbilden • Vernetzen
Für eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie

Forschen • Ausbilden • Vernetzen
Für eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie

Transform2Bio Publikationen und Arbeitspapiere

Publikationen in Zeitschriften (peer-reviewed)


Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., Laibach, N., Bröring, S. (2023). What constitutes a “Key Enabling Technology” for transition processes: Insights from the bioeconomy's technological landscape. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 197, December 2023, 122873. 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122873.

Jafari, Y., Engemann, H., Heckelei, T., Hainsch, K. (2023). National and Regional Economic Impact of Changes in the Electricity Mix in Germany: A Dynamic Analysis up to 2050. Utilities Policy 82: 101583.

Jafari, Y., Linmei S., Kuhn, A., Heckelei, T. (2023). The national and regional impact of the EU bioeconomy strategies on the agri-food sector: Insights from Germany. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(2):73-90.

Abdelshafy, A, Hermann, A, Herres-Pawlis, S and Walther, G (2023). Opportunities and Challenges of Establishing a Regional Bio-based Polylactic Acid Supply Chain. Global Challenges 7(7): 2200218.

Macht, J, Klink-Lehmann, J and Hartmann, M (2023). Don't forget the locals: Understanding citizens' acceptance of bio-based technologies. Technology in Society 74: 102318.

Macht, J, Klink-Lehmann, J and Venghaus, S (2023). Eco-friendly alternatives to food packed in plastics: German consumers’ purchase intentions for different bio-based packaging strategies. Food Quality and Preference 109: 104884.



Dallendörfer, M, Dieken, S, Henseleit, M, Siekmann, F and Venghaus, S (2022). Investigating citizens’ perceptions of the bioeconomy in Germany – High support but little understanding. Sustainable Production and Consumption 30: 16-30.

Dürr, J.; Sili, M. (2022): New or Traditional Approaches in Argentina’s Bioeconomy? Biomass and Biotechnology Use, Local Embeddedness, and Sustainability Outcomes of Bioeconomic Ventures. Sustainability 14, 14491.

Kuhn, T., Möhring, N., Töpel, A., Jakob, F., Britz, W., Bröring, S., Pich, A., Schwaneberg, U., Rennings, M. (2022): Using a bio-economic farm model to evaluate the economic potential and pesticide load reduction of the greenRelease technology. Agricultural Systems 201, 103454.

Macht J., Klink-Lehmann J., Simons J. (2022): German Citizens’ Perception of the Transition towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy: A Glimpse into the Rheinische Revier. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 31, 175-18.

Massfeller, A, Meraner, M, Hüttel, S and Uehleke, R (2022). Farmers' acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes: A German perspective. Land Use Policy 120: 106281.  

Stark, S., Biber-Freudenberger, L., Dietz, T., Escobar, N., Förster, J.J., Henderson, J., Laibach, N., Börner, J. (2022): Sustainability implications of transformation pathways for the bioeconomy. Sustainable Production and Consumption 29, 215-227.



Dallendörfer, M., Dieken, S., Henseleit, M., Siekmann, F., Venghaus, S. (2021): Investigating citizens’ perceptions of the bioeconomy in Germany – high support but little understanding. Sustainable Production and Consumption 30, 16-30.

Dieken, S., Dallendörfer, M., Henseleit, M., Siekmann, F., Venghaus, S. (2021): The multitudes of bioeconomies: A systematic review of stakeholders’ bioeconomy perceptions. Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 1703-1717.

Pahmeyer, C., Schäfer, D., Kuhn, T., Britz, W. (2021). Data on a synthetic farm population of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Data in Brief 36, 107007.

Waßenhoven, A., Block, C., Wustmans, M., & Bröring, S. (2021). "Analyzing an emerging business ecosystem through M&A activities: The case of the Bioeconomy. Business Strategy & Development, 4 (3), 258-278.



Dieken, S. and S. Venghaus (2020). "Potential Pathways to the German Bioeconomy: A Media Discourse Analysis of Public Perceptions."  12(19): 7987.


Sonstige Publikationen

Hilgert, P. (2023): Monitoring the regional transformation to a sustainable bioeconomy – The case of the Rheinische Revier. Master thesis IEK-STE Forschungszentrum Jülich and University of Hohenheim. Jülich, Hohenheim. 94 pages.

Dieken, S., Venghaus, S. (2023): Bioökonomie als gesellschaftliches Leitbild: Transformationspfade aus der Perspektive der Stakeholder. In:  Julia Lena Reinermann, Jan-Hendrik Kamlage, Nicole de Vries, Ute Goerke, Britta Oertel, Silvia Diane Schrey (Eds.): Zukünfte nachhaltiger Bioökonomie. Kommunikation und Pertizipation in neuen Wirtschaftsformen, pp. 45-56. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

Venghaus S., Dieken S., Belka M. (2022): The Bioeconomy Transformation in the German Rheinische Revier: Stakeholders and Discourses in Media Coverage. In: Dirk Lanzerath, Ulrich Schurr, Christina Pinsdorf, Mandy Stake (Eds.): Bioeonomy and Sustainability. Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences, Economics and Ethics, pp. 157-179. Springer Cham.

Venghaus, S., Dieken, S., Hilgert, P., Dallendörfer, M. (Eds.) (2022): Transformationsmonitor der Bioökonomie 2022. Gesamtgesellschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme. BioSC Geschäftsstelle, Jülich.

Siekmann, F. ; Venghaus, S. ; Schlör, H. (2021): Identifying sustainable transformation trajectories for a low carbon economy using a multi-stakeholder MCDA approach – the case of Germany, International Conference on Applied Energy 2021, ICAE 2021, Energy Proceedings, Vol. 23.

Stark, S., Rhyner, J., Börner, J., Kopaleyshvili, A., Middelhauve, S. (2021). Bioökonomie in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Eine Studie zur Neuausrichtung der NRW Bioökonomiestrategie; Abschlussbericht. Bonn: Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonner Allianz für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung.

Abdelshafy, A., Walther; G. (2020): Rheinisches Revier 2038: Analyzing the regional resources as a vital step towards bio-based sustainable supply chains. Proceedings: Opportunities of structural change – New perspectives for NRW. IPE-RWTH, Aachen.

Fischer, W. (2020): Strukturwandel in Richtung Bioökonomieregion: Der partizipative Governance-Prozess im Rheinischen Braunkohlerevier. Master thesis IEK-STE Forschungszentrum Jülich and University of Bonn. Jülich, Bonn. 107 pages.

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Venghaus, S.; Dallendörfer, M.; Dieken, S.; Siekmann, F. (2020): Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier – Der Weg vom Kohleabbau hin zu einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomie. Blog post, Forschungszentrum Jülich Blog „Bioökonomie“.

Wittke, M. (2020): Bioökonomie als Zukunftsmodell für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften im Rheinischen Revier. Bachelor thesis ILR University of Bonn. Bonn. 53 pages.