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Für eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie



Busch, F, Leal, OdA, Siebers, N and Brüggemann, N (2024). Biochar captures ammonium and nitrate in easily extractable and strongly retained form without stimulating greenhouse gas emissions during composting. Journal of Environmental Quality n/a(n/a). NewBIAS

De, PS, Theilmann, J and Raguin, A (2024). A detailed sensitivity analysis identifies the key factors influencing the enzymatic saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 23: 1005-1015.   PREDIG

Dürr, J, Sili, M, Mac Clay, P and Sellare, J (2024). Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina. Business Strategy and the Environment n/a(n/a).   Transform2Bio

Gauthier, C, Lavoie, S, Kubicki, S, Piochon, M, Cloutier, M, Dagenais-Roy, M, Groleau, M-C, Pichette, A, Thies, S and Déziel, E (2024). Structural characterization of a nonionic rhamnolipid from Burkholderia lata. Carbohydrate Research 535: 108991.   DesignR/SurfIn/ResPuTra

Haase, M, David, B, Paschold, B, Classen, T, Schneider, P, Pozhydaieva, N, Gohlke, H and Pietruszka, J (2024). Application of the C3-Methyltransferase StspM1 for the Synthesis of the Natural Pyrroloindole Motif. ACS Catalysis 14(1): 227-236. 

Langletz, T, Grande, PM, Viell, J, Wolters, D, Tonn, J, Klose, H, Schriever, SG, Hoffmann, A, Jupke, A, Gries, T and Herres-Pawlis, S (2024). Toward a Greener Bioeconomy: Synthesis and Characterization of Lignin–Polylactide Copolymers. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 5(2): 2300187.   LignoTex

Schmitz, F, Röder, A, Hoffrogge, M, Urlacher, VB and Koschorreck, K (2024). Agar plate-based activity assay for easy and fast screening of recombinant Pichia pastoris expressing unspecific peroxygenases. Biotechnol J 19(1): e2300421.   BioDeg

Siekmann, F and Venghaus, S (2024). Regional transformation pathways for the bioeconomy: A novel monitoring approach for complex transitions. Journal of Industrial Ecology 28(3): 603-616.   Transform2Bio

Tiso, T, Demling, P, Karmainski, T, Oraby, A, Eiken, J, Liu, L, Bongartz, P, Wessling, M, Desmond, P, Schmitz, S, Weiser, S, Emde, F, Czech, H, Merz, J, Zibek, S, Blank, LM and Regestein, L (2024). Foam control in biotechnological processes—challenges and opportunities. Discover Chemical Engineering 4(1): 2.   SurfIn

Tiso, T, Welsing, G, Lipphardt, A, Sauer, DF, Chi, Z, Blank, LM and Hayen, H (2024)Proposal for a systematic naming convention for liamocins. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents n/a(n/a).   SurfIn



Abdelshafy, A, Hermann, A, Herres-Pawlis, S and Walther, G (2023). Opportunities and Challenges of Establishing a Regional Bio-based Polylactic Acid Supply Chain. Global Challenges 7(7): 2200218.   Transform2Bio/BioPlastiCycle/R2HPBIO

Bitzenhofer, NL, Classen, T, Jaeger, KE and Loeschcke, A (2023). Biotransformation Of l-Tryptophan To Produce Arcyriaflavin A With Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Chembiochem 24(23): e202300576.   CombiCom

Bitzenhofer, NL, Hilgers, F, Bosio, GN, Torra, J, Casini, G, Beinlich, FRM, Knieps-Grünhagen, E, Gordeliy, V, Jaeger, KE, Nonell, S, Krauss, U, Gensch, T and Drepper, T (2023). Development and Characterization of Flavin-Binding Fluorescent Proteins, Part II: Advanced Characterization. Methods Mol Biol 2564: 143-183.   CombiCom

Bröring, S and Thybussek, V (2023). Understanding the business model design for complex technology systems: The case of the bioeconomy. EFB Bioeconomy Journal 3: 100052.   NextVegOil

De, PS, Glass, T, Stein, M, Spitzlei, T and Raguin, A (2023). PREDIG: Web application to model and predict the enzymatic saccharification of plant cell wall. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 21: 5463-5475.  PREDIG

Dittrich, J, Kolodzy, F, Töpel, A, Hofmann, A, Groth, G, Pich, A and Gohlke, H (2023). Loading and co-solvent-triggered release of okanin, a C4 plant key enzyme inhibitor, into/from functional microgels. Chemical Engineering Journal 460: 141631.   greenRelease

Dumschott, K, Dörpholz, H, Laporte, MA, Brilhaus, D, Schrader, A, Usadel, B, Neumann, S, Arnaud, E and Kranz, A (2023). Ontologies for increasing the FAIRness of plant research data. Front Plant Sci 14: 1279694. 

Filbig, M, Kubicki, S, Bator, I, Hausmann, R, Blank, LM, Henkel, M, Thies, S and Tiso, T (2023). Chapter 8 - Metabolic and process engineering on the edge—Rhamnolipids are a true challenge: A review. Biosurfactants. Soberón-Chávez, G., Academic Press: 157-181.   Bio²/DesignR/SurfIn

Gebauer, J, Pietruszka, J and Classen, T (2023). Expression and characterization of PrnC—a flavin-dependent halogenase from the pyrrolnitrin biosynthetic pathway of Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5. Frontiers in Catalysis 3.   HaloEnz

Gui, S, Martinez-Rivas, FJ, Wen, W, Meng, M, Yan, J, Usadel, B and Fernie, AR (2023). Going broad and deep: sequencing-driven insights into plant physiology, evolution, and crop domestication. The Plant Journal 113(3): 446-459. 

Halle, L, Hollmann, N, Tenhaef, N, Mbengi, L, Glitz, C, Wiechert, W, Polen, T, Baumgart, M, Bott, M and Noack, S (2023). Robotic workflows for automated long-term adaptive laboratory evolution: improving ethanol utilization by Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbial Cell Factories 22(1): 175. 

Heucken, N, Tang, K, Hüsemann, L, Heßler, N, Müntjes, K, Feldbrügge, M, Göhre, V and Zurbriggen, MD (2023). Engineering and Implementation of Synthetic Molecular Tools in the Basidiomycete Fungus Ustilago maydis. Journal of Fungi 9(4): 480.   CombiCom

Jafari, Y., Engemann, H., Heckelei, T., Hainsch, K. (2023). National and Regional Economic Impact of Changes in the Electricity Mix in Germany: A Dynamic Analysis up to 2050. Utilities Policy 82: 101583.  Transform2Bio

Jafari, Y., Linmei S., Kuhn, A., Heckelei, T. (2023). The national and regional impact of the EU bioeconomy strategies on the agri-food sector: Insights from Germany. German Journal of Agricultural Economics 72(2):73-90.  Transform2Bio

Klose, H and Paës, G (2023). Editorial: Understanding plant cell wall recalcitrance for efficient lignocellulose processing. Frontiers in Plant Science 14.   PREDIG

Kossmann, DF, Huang, M, Weihmann, R, Xiao, X, Gätgens, F, Weber, TM, Brass, HUC, Bitzenhofer, NL, Ibrahim, S, Bangert, K, Rehling, L, Mueller, C, Tiso, T, Blank, LM, Drepper, T, Jaeger, K-E, Grundler, FMW, Pietruszka, J, Schleker, ASS and Loeschcke, A (2023). Production of tailored hydroxylated prodiginine showing combinatorial activity with rhamnolipids against plant-parasitic nematodes. Frontiers in Microbiology 14.   SurfIn/TaiLead/CombiCom

Lippi, N, Senger, E, Karhu, S, Mezzetti, B, Cianciabella, M, Denoyes, B, Sönmez, DA, Fidelis, M, Gatti, E, Höfer, M, Kafkas, NE, Mazzoni, L, McCallum, S, Olbricht, K, Orsucci, S, Osorio, S, Pinczinger, D, Predieri, S, Rokka, S, Sánchez-Sevilla, JF, Savini, G, Soria, C, Usadel, B, Zucchi, P and Chiara, M (2023) "Development and Validation of a Multilingual Lexicon as a Key Tool for the Sensory Analyses and Consumer Tests of Blueberry and Raspberry Fruit." Agriculture 13 DOI: 10.3390/agriculture13020314.

Macht, J, Klink-Lehmann, J and Hartmann, M (2023). Don't forget the locals: Understanding citizens' acceptance of bio-based technologies. Technology in Society 74: 102318.   Transform2Bio

Macht, J, Klink-Lehmann, J and Venghaus, S (2023). Eco-friendly alternatives to food packed in plastics: German consumers’ purchase intentions for different bio-based packaging strategies. Food Quality and Preference 109: 104884.   Transform2Bio

Martinez Diaz, J, Grande, PM and Klose, H (2023). Small-scale OrganoCat processing to screen rapeseed straw for efficient lignocellulose fractionation. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 5.   PREDIG

Reifsteck, RA, Zhai, S, Gausmann, M, Ballerstedt, H, Tiso, T, Blank, LM and Jupke, A (2023). Techno-Economic Comparison of Bio-Cycling Processes for Mixed Plastic Waste Valorization. Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95(8): 1247-1258.   SurfIn

Schmitz, C, Luedeling, E and Pariyar, S (2023). Synergism and phytotoxicity: The effects of tank-mix additives on the biological efficacy of Cu2+ against Venturia inaequalis and Podosphaera leucotricha. Annals of Applied Biology 182(3): 331-342.

Schmitz, F, Koschorreck, K, Hollmann, F and Urlacher, VB (2023). Aromatic hydroxylation of substituted benzenes by an unspecific peroxygenase from Aspergillus brasiliensis. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 8(9): 2177-2186.   Lignin2Value

Schonhoff, A., Stöckigt, G., Wulf, C., Zapp, P., Kuckshinrichs, W. (2023). Biosurfactants production with substrates from the sugar industry - environmental, cost, market and social aspects. RSC Sustainability, doi 10.1039/D3SU00122A.  Bio2

Schrey, SD, Martinez Diaz, J, Becker, L, Mademann, JA, Ohrem, B, Drobietz, D, Chaloupsky, P, Jablonowski, ND, Wever, C, Grande, PM, Pestsova, E and Klose, H (2023). Cell wall composition and biomass saccharification potential of Sida hermaphrodita differ between genetically distant accessions. Frontiers in Plant Science 14.   AP³

Sundermeyer, L, Folkerts, J-G, Lückel, B, Mack, C, Baumgart, M and Bott, M (2023). Cellular localization of the hybrid pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex in the actinobacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbiology Spectrum 11(5): e02668-02623. 

Tenhaef, N, Hermann, A, Müller, MF, Görtz, J, Marienhagen, J, Oldiges, M, Wiechert, W, Bott, M, Jupke, A, Hartmann, L, Herres-Pawlis, S and Noack, S (2023). From Microbial Succinic Acid Production to Polybutylene Bio-Succinate Synthesis Chemie Ingenieur Technik 95(4): 587-595.   HyImPAct/R2HPBio/BioPlastiCycle

Wang, S, Robertz, S, Seven, M, Kraemer, F, Kuhn, BM, Liu, L, Lunde, C, Pauly, M and Ramírez, V (2023). A large-scale forward genetic screen for maize mutants with altered lignocellulosic properties. Front Plant Sci 14: 1099009.   NextVegOil

Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., Laibach, N., Bröring, S. (2023). What constitutes a “Key Enabling Technology” for transition processes: Insights from the bioeconomy's technological landscape. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 197, December 2023, 122873. 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122873. Transform2Bio

Weil, HL, Schneider, K, Tschöpe, M, Bauer, J, Maus, O, Frey, K, Brilhaus, D, Martins Rodrigues, C, Doniparthi, G, Wetzels, F, Lukasczyk, J, Kranz, A, Grüning, B, Zimmer, D, Deßloch, S, von Suchodoletz, D, Usadel, B, Garth, C and Mühlhaus, T (2023). PLANTdataHUB: a collaborative platform for continuous FAIR data sharing in plant research. The Plant Journal 116(4): 974-988. 

Xiao-Ran, Z, Sebastian, B, Dominik, B, Cristina Martins, R, Timo, M, Dirk von, S, Richard, MT, Bjoern, U and Angela, K (2023). DataPLAN: a web-based data management plan generator for the plant sciences. bioRxiv: 2023.2007.2007.548147. 

Ziegler, AL, Grütering, C, Poduschnick, L, Mitsos, A and Blank, LM (2023). Co-feeding enhances the yield of methyl ketones. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 50(1).   MK-ScaLoop



Publikationen aus vorherigen Jahren

Brehl, C, Brass, HUC, Lüchtrath, C, Böckmann, L, Ihling, N, Classen, T, Pietruszka, J and Büchs, J (2022). Optimized prodigiosin production with Pseudomonas putida KT2440 using parallelized noninvasive online monitoring. Biotechnol Prog 38(3): e3245.   CombiCom

Carraresi, L and Bröring, S (2022). The Implementation of Emerging Clean Technologies and Circular Value Chains: Challenges from Three Cases of By-Product Valorization. Business Models for the Circular Economy: A European Perspective. Prokop, V., Stejskal, J., Horbach, J. and Gerstlberger, W. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 113-138.   InducTomE

Dallendörfer, M, Dieken, S, Henseleit, M, Siekmann, F and Venghaus, S (2022). Investigating citizens’ perceptions of the bioeconomy in Germany – High support but little understanding. Sustainable Production and Consumption 30: 16-30.   Transform2Bio

Dittrich, J, Brethauer, C, Goncharenko, L, Bührmann, J, Zeisler-Diehl, V, Pariyar, S, Jakob, F, Kurkina, T, Schreiber, L, Schwaneberg, U and Gohlke, H (2022). Rational Design Yields Molecular Insights on Leaf-Binding of Anchor Peptides. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14(25): 28412-28426.   greenRelease

Doeker, M, Grabowski, L, Rother, D and Jupke, A (2022). In situ reactive extraction with oleic acid for process intensification in amine transaminase catalyzed reactions. Green Chemistry 24(1): 295-304.  

Dürr, J and Sili, M (2022). New or Traditional Approaches in Argentina’s Bioeconomy? Biomass and Biotechnology Use, Local Embeddedness, and Sustainability Outcomes of Bioeconomic Ventures. Sustainability 14(21): 14491.   Transform2Bio

Hermann, A, Becker, T, Schäfer, MA, Hoffmann, A and Herres-Pawlis, S (2022). Effective Ligand Design: Zinc Complexes with Guanidine Hydroquinoline Ligands for Fast Lactide Polymerization and Chemical Recycling. ChemSusChem 15(18): e202201075.   R2HPBio

Hilgers, F, Hogenkamp, F, Klaus, O, Kruse, L, Loeschcke, A, Bier, C, Binder, D, Jaeger, K-E, Pietruszka, J and Drepper, T (2022). Light-mediated control of gene expression in the anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus using photocaged inducers. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10.   CombiCom

Hogenkamp, F, Hilgers, F, Bitzenhofer, NL, Ophoven, V, Haase, M, Bier, C, Binder, D, Jaeger, K-E, Drepper, T and Pietruszka, J (2022). Optochemical Control of Bacterial Gene Expression: Novel Photocaged Compounds for Different Promoter Systems. ChemBioChem 23(1): e202100467.   CombiCom

Jankowski, N, Koschorreck, K and Urlacher, VB (2022). Aryl-Alcohol-Oxidase-Mediated Synthesis of Piperonal and Other Valuable Aldehydes. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 364(14): 2364-2372.  

Johann, S, Weichert, FG, Schröer, L, Stratemann, L, Kämpfer, C, Seiler, T-B, Heger, S, Töpel, A, Sassmann, T, Pich, A, Jakob, F, Schwaneberg, U, Stoffels, P, Philipp, M, Terfrüchte, M, Loeschcke, A, Schipper, K, Feldbrügge, M, Ihling, N, Büchs, J, Bator, I, Tiso, T, Blank, LM, Roß-Nickoll, M and Hollert, H (2022). A plea for the integration of Green Toxicology in sustainable bioeconomy strategies – Biosurfactants and microgel-based pesticide release systems as examples. Journal of Hazardous Materials 426: 127800.  GreenToxiConomy

Klaus, O, Hilgers, F, Nakielski, A, Hasenklever, D, Jaeger, K-E, Axmann, IM and Drepper, T (2022). Engineering phototrophic bacteria for the production of terpenoids. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 77: 102764.   CombiCom

Koschorreck, K, Alpdagtas, S and Urlacher, VB (2022). Copper-radical oxidases: A diverse group of biocatalysts with distinct properties and a broad range of biotechnological applications. Engineering Microbiology 2(3): 100037.  

Kuhn, T, Möhring, N, Töpel, A, Jakob, F, Britz, W, Bröring, S, Pich, A, Schwaneberg, U and Rennings, M (2022). Using a bio-economic farm model to evaluate the economic potential and pesticide load reduction of the greenRelease technology. Agricultural Systems 201: 103454.   Transform2Bio/ greenRelease

Labib, M, Grabowski, L, Brüsseler, C, Kallscheuer, N, Wachtendonk, L, Fuchs, T, Jupke, A, Wiechert, W, Marienhagen, J, Rother, D and Noack, S (2022). Toward the Sustainable Production of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Metaraminol. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10(16): 5117-5128.   HyImPAct

Leipnitz, M, Scholl, N, Biselli, A and Jupke, A (2022). Influences of the constraints of a separation task on the optimal selection of a cation exchanger resin. Food and Bioproducts Processing 135: 97-113.   AP3

Macht, J, Klink-Lehmann, JL and Simons, J (2022). German citizens’ perception of the transition towards a sustainable bioeconomy: A glimpse into the Rheinische Revier. Sustainable Production and Consumption 31: 175-189.   Transform2Bio

Massfeller, A, Meraner, M, Hüttel, S and Uehleke, R (2022). Farmers' acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes: A German perspective. Land Use Policy 120: 106281.   Transform2Bio

Porta, N, Fejzagić, AV, Dumschott, K, Paschold, B, Usadel, B, Pietruszka, J, Classen, T and Gohlke, H (2022). Identification and Characterization of the Haloperoxidase VPO-RR from Rhodoplanes roseus by Genome Mining and Structure-Based Catalytic Site Mapping. Catalysts 12(10): 1195.   HaloEnz

Powell, AF, Feder, A, Li, J, Schmidt, MH-W, Courtney, L, Alseekh, S, Jobson, EM, Vogel, A, Xu, Y, Lyon, D, Dumschott, K, McHale, M, Sulpice, R, Bao, K, Lal, R, Duhan, A, Hallab, A, Denton, AK, Bolger, ME, Fernie, AR, Hind, SR, Mueller, LA, Martin, GB, Fei, Z, Martin, C, Giovannoni, JJ, Strickler, SR and Usadel, B (2022). A Solanum lycopersicoides reference genome facilitates insights into tomato specialized metabolism and immunity. The Plant Journal 110(6): 1791-1810.  

Ramp, P, Pfleger, C, Dittrich, J, Mack, C, Gohlke, H and Bott, M (2022). Physiological, Biochemical, and Structural Bioinformatic Analysis of the Multiple Inositol Dehydrogenases from Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbiol Spectr 10(5): e0195022.   InoDH

Schonhoff, A, Ihling, N, Schreiber, A and Zapp, P (2022). Environmental Impacts of Biosurfactant Production Based on Substrates from the Sugar Industry. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10(29): 9345-9358.   Bio2

Schrinner, S, Serra Mari, R, Finkers, R, Arens, P, Usadel, B, Marschall, T and Klau, GW (2022). Genetic polyploid phasing from low-depth progeny samples. iScience 25(6): 104461.  

Senger, E, Osorio, S, Olbricht, K, Shaw, P, Denoyes, B, Davik, J, Predieri, S, Karhu, S, Raubach, S, Lippi, N, Höfer, M, Cockerton, H, Pradal, C, Kafkas, E, Litthauer, S, Amaya, I, Usadel, B and Mezzetti, B (2022). Towards smart and sustainable development of modern berry cultivars in Europe. The Plant Journal 111(5): 1238-1251.  

Serra Mari, R, Schrinner, S, Finkers, R, Arens, P, Schmidt, M, H. W., Usadel, B, Klau, GW and Marschall, T (2022). Haplotype-resolved assembly of a tetraploid potato genome using long reads and low-depth offspring data. bioRxiv: 2022.2005.2010.491293.  

Stark, S, Biber-Freudenberger, L, Dietz, T, Escobar, N, Förster, JJ, Henderson, J, Laibach, N and Börner, J (2022). Sustainability implications of transformation pathways for the bioeconomy. Sustainable Production and Consumption 29: 215-227.  

Sundermeyer, L, Bosco, G, Gujar, S, Brocker, M, Baumgart, M, Willbold, D, Weiergräber, OH, Bellinzoni, M and Bott, M (2022). Characteristics of the GlnH and GlnX Signal Transduction Proteins Controlling PknG-Mediated Phosphorylation of OdhI and 2-Oxoglutarate Dehydrogenase Activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Microbiology Spectrum 10(6): e02677-02622.  

Weihmann, R, Kubicki, S, Bitzenhofer, NL, Domröse, A, Bator, I, Kirschen, L-M, Kofler, F, Funk, A, Tiso, T, Blank, LM, Jaeger, K-E, Drepper, T, Thies, S and Loeschcke, A (2022). The modular pYT vector series employed for chromosomal gene integration and expression to produce carbazoles and glycolipids in P. putida. FEMS Microbes 4.   CombiCom/Bio2/Viola

Bongartz P., I. Bator, K. Baitalow, R. Keller, T. Tiso, L. M. Blank and M. Wessling (2021). A scalable bubble-free membrane aerator for biosurfactant production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114Bio2

Brands S., Sikkens J.G., Davari M.D., Brass H.U.C., Klein A.S., Pietruszka J., Ruff A.J. and Schwaneberg U. (2021). Understanding substrate binding and the role of gatekeeping residues in PigC access tunnels. Chem. Commun., 57, 2681-2684. CombiCom

Brands S., Brass H.U.C., Klein A.S., Sikkens J.G., Davari M.D., Pietruszka J., Ruff A.J. and Schwaneberg U. (2021). KnowVolution of prodigiosin ligase PigC towards condensation of short-chain prodiginines. Catal. Sci. Technol., 11, 2805–2815. CombiCom

Dieken M., Dallendörfer M., Henseleit M., Siekmann F., Venghaus S. (2021). The multitudes of bioeconomies: A systematic review of stakeholders’ bioeconomy perceptions. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, 1703-1717. Transform2Bio

Doeker M., V. Hüttche and A. Jupke (2021). "Reactive extraction for the recovery of primary amines from aqueous streams." Separation and Purification Technology: 118229. HyImPact

Doeker M., L. Grabowski, D. Rother, A. Jupke (2021). "In situ reactive extraction with oleic acid for process intensification in amine transaminase catalyzed reactions." Green Chemistry 24(1): 295-304. HyImPact

Ellis L. D., N. A. Rorrer, K. P. Sullivan, M. Otto, J. E. McGeehan, Y. Román-Leshkov, N. Wierckx and G. T. Beckham (2021). Chemical and biological catalysis for plastics recycling and upcycling. Nat Catal 4, 539–556. PlastiCycle

Fort A., M. McHale, K. Cascella, P. Potin, B. Usadel, M.D. Guiry and R. Sulpice (2021). "Foliose Ulva Species Show Considerable Inter-Specific Genetic Diversity, Low Intra-Specific Genetic Variation, and the Rare Occurrence of Inter-Specific Hybrids in the Wild."  57(1): 219-233. HaloEnz

Genzel F., Dicke M. D., Junker-Frohn L. V., Neuwohner A., Thile B., Putz A., Usadel B., Wormit A., Wiese-Klinkenberg A. (2021). "Impact of Moderate Cold and Salt Stress on the Accumulation of Antioxidant Flavonoids in the Leaves of Two Capsicum Cultivars." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 69(23): 6431-6443.

Hage-Hülsmann J., Klaus O., Linke K., Troost K., Gora L., Hilger F., Wirtz A., Santiago-Schübel B., Loeschcke A., Jaeger K.-E., Drepper T.  (2021). "Production of C20, C30 and C40 terpenes in the engineered phototrophic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus." J Biotechnol 338: 20-30. CombiCom

Hilgers F., Habash S.S., Loeschcke A., Akcermann Y.S., Neumann S., Heck A., Klaus O., Hage-Hülsmann J., Grundler F.M.W., Jaeger K.-E., Schleker A.S.S., Drepper T. (2021). "Heterologous Production of β-Caryophyllene and Evaluation of Its Activity against Plant Pathogenic Fungi." Microorganisms 9(1). CombiCom

Hogenkamp F., F. Hilgers, A. Knapp, O. Klaus, C. Bier, D. Binder, K.-E. Jaeger, T. Drepper and J. Pietruszka (2021). "Effect of Photocaged Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside Solubility on the Light Responsiveness of LacI-controlled Expression Systems in Different Bacteria." Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 22(3): 539-547. CombiCom

Höller M., A. Lunze, C. Wever, A. L. Deutschle, A. Stücker, N. Frase, E. Pestsova, A. C. Spiess, P. Westhoff and R. Pude (2021). "Meadow hay, Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby and Silphium perfoliatum L. as potential non-wood raw materials for the pulp and paper industry." Industrial Crops and Products 167: 113548. Spread

Holtz A., J. Görtz, C. Kocks, M. Junker and A. Jupke (2021). "Automated measurement of pH-dependent solid-liquid equilibria of itaconic acid and protocatechuic acid." Fluid Phase Equilibria 532: 112893. R2HPBio

Jablonowski N.D., M. Pauly, M. Dama M. (2021). "Microwave Assisted Pretreatment of Szarvasi (Agropyron elongatum) Biomass to Enhance Enzymatic Saccharification and Direct Glucose Production." Front Plant Sci 12: 767254.

Jablonowski N.D., Shrey S.D. (2021). Bioenergy Corps: Current Status and Future Prospects. Agronomy, 11, 316.

Jankowski N., Urlacher V.B., Koschorreck K. (2021). Two adjacent C-terminal mutations enable expression of aryl-alcohol oxidase from Pleurotus eryngii in Pichia pastoris. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 105(20): 7743-7755.

Klein A.S., Albrecht A.C., Pietruszka J. (2021). Chemoenzymatic One-Pot Process for the Synthesis of Tetrahydroisoquinolines. Chemoenzymatic One-Pot Process for the Synthesis of Tetrahydroisoquinolines. Catalysts. 2021; 11(11):1389. HyImPact

Labib M., J. Görtz, C. Brüsseler, N. Kallscheuer, J. Gätgens, A. Jupke, J. Marienhagen and S. Noack (2021). "Metabolic and Process Engineering for Microbial Production of Protocatechuate from Xylose with Corynebacterium glutamicum." bioRxiv: 2021.2002.2012.430943. HyImPact

Lappe A., Jankowski N., Albrecht A., Koschorreck K. (2021). Characterization of a thermotolerant aryl-alcohol oxidase from Moesziomyces antarcticus oxidizing 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxylic acid. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 105(21-22): 8313-8327.

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