Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

Research • Educate • Connect
Towards a sustainable bioeconomy

10th BioSC Spotlight: "Alternative Proteins made from Plants"


High-quality proteins are an essential component of food and animal feed, but are also required as enzymes and for pharmaceutical applications, for example. In order to be able to produce them in sufficient quantities while conserving resources, new sources of protein must be developed. Various plants can be used for this purpose. At the 10th BioSC Spotlight at RWTH Aachen University on 3 September 2024, more than 50 experts and interested parties came together to discuss the challenges from breeding and cultivation to processing and social acceptance. Among other things, the lupin was examined in more detail as a case study.

09:30 h Welcome

09:40 h Plants as protein source: Overview and comparison

Nathan Ahlgrim and colleagues, The Good Food Institute (GFI)
A global perspective on protein plants (online)

10:50 h Coffee break

11:15 h Breeding and products: Lupins as a case study

Thomas Eckardt, Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lupine e.V.
Breeding of lupins

Marco Löhrer, Plant Physiology, RWTH Aachen University/ BioSC
Optimization of plant performance and products for lupin cascade use(BioSC project P3roLucas)

Catherine Louet, Inveja
Lupine, a food ingredient in the shadow of soy: history, challenges and perspectives on B2B markets

13:00 h Lunch

14:15 h Producing and processing plant proteins

Stefan Schillberg, Fraunhofer IME, Aachen/ Molecular Biotechnology, RWTH Aachen University/ BioSC
Producing special proteins in plants

Adam Erdös, IASP Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects at HU Berlin
Cheese and meat from plant proteins

Nils Horstmann, GEA group
Wet-Process: Industrial production of plant-protein isolates from legumes

16:00 h Get-together and greenhouse tour


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