„Meet the Circular Economy - Sustainable Innovation in Practice“ was the topic of a lecture series organised by Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus at RWTH Aachen University in the summer semester of 2022. The BioSC, the Coordination Office BioökonomieREVIER Rheinland and the Citizens' Forum RWTH extern invited the public to the event, where companies and firms reported first-hand on their sustainability concepts in corporate and product development. The lecture series was complemented by two evening lectures on bioplastics and biorefinery concepts by Prof. Dr Sonja Herres-Pawlis and Prof. Dr Andreas Jupke.
The lecture series „Meet the Circular Economy“ started on 7 April. A total of six event dates dealt with new business models and start-ups, circular economy in the chemical industry, sustainable construction of the future, social innovations and sustainability in mobility.
The focus was on innovative concepts from start-ups and established companies, for example the production of polyurethane from alternative raw materials by the company Covestro. The start-up Leroma presented the concept of an online platform on which residual materials from the food industry can be offered that would otherwise be discarded. The start-up b.fab is developing biotechnological approaches for the material use of CO2. Voltfang GbH develops, builds and sells sustainable energy storage systems from used lithium-ion batteries from electric cars. The start-up Circleback presented a concept for returning packaging by means of deposit machines, which enables participating producers to get their own packaging back for recycling.
Regarding sustainable construction, a new model for determining resource efficiency in construction and its successful implementation by ResScore GmbH and the agency Faktor X was presented, as well as a concept for using disused overseas containers as living and office units with modular interior fittings by the company Containerwerk. Concerning the topic of social innovations, concepts for alternative currencies were presented, which can provide incentives for the purchase of sustainable and climate-friendly products.
„Bioplastics - Sustainable synthesis and recycling“ was the topic of the first evening lecture on 30 May. Prof. Dr. Sonja Herres-Pawlis spoke about the production of biodegradable plastics from renewable raw materials and the possibilities for biological, chemical and mechanical recycling. At the evening lecture „Bioeconomy - Examples for sustainable use of biological resources“ on 13 June, Prof. Dr. Andreas Jupke explained the importance of biorefineries for the manufacture of products from renewable raw materials. In order for these to be competitive, energy- and resource-efficient processes are needed, such as those being developed in the pilot biorefinery at Aachener Verfahrenstechnik.
Photos: Forschungszentrum Jülich
The BioSC participated in the Science Nights and Open Days of its four partner institutions, all of which took place in 2022 for the first time since 2019. Visitors could learn about research at the BioSC and about bioeconomy as an opportunity for the structural change in the Rheinische Revier. An exhibition of bio-based products already on the market illustrated the possibilities of the bioeconomy.
On 13 May, the Bonn Science Night took place under the theme „Research for Sustainability“. The 16 science tents were already set up in the city centre the day before. Five tents were organised by the Transdisciplinary Research Area „Sustainable Futures“ (TRA 6) of the University of Bonn, others for example by the Centre for Development Research (ZEF) and the Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research. The BioSC and the BioeconomyREVIER Rheinland coordination office participated in the TRA 6 tent „The Contribution of the Bioeconomy to Sustainability and System Transformation“.
Forschungszentrum Jülich invited visitors to the „Tag der Neugier“ (Curiosity Day) on 21 August. More than 60 institutes showed in over 300 different presentations what research can do for a society in transition and how research results can be made useful for society, the economy and politics. Together with the Institutes of Bio- and Geosciences and ZEA-3: Analytics, the BioSC organised the „Bioeconomy Trail“ with six stations on Sustainable Bioeconomy, which is one of the three strategic research fields of Forschungszentrum Jülich.
On 9 September, a Science Night took place in Düsseldorf. More than 50 different contributions were presented in the House of the University and in the event tent on Schadowplatz, which were attended by around 10,000 guests throughout the evening. The topics ranged from plant breeding over artificial intelligence to election research. Many discussions on sustainability and the circular economy took place at the well-attended BioSC stand.
At the RWTH Science Night „Five to Twelve“ on 11 November, there were lectures, shows and information stands on a wide range of topics in the central lecture hall building C.A.R.L.. The joint stand of BioSC and the BioeconomyREVIER Rheinland coordination office was very busy. Prof. Dr. Andreas Jupke (Aachener Verfahrenstechnik/BioSC) gave a talk on „The role of the bioeconomy in the transformation to a circular economy“, which was followed by a lively discussion lasting a good half hour with the very interested audience.
Photos: Forschungszentrum Jülich